Rules & Regulations
Please send a mid-morning snack in a marked container with your child, preferably a sandwich (something healthy) and juice in a marked bottle.
Sandwiches and juice will be supplied for the mid-afternoon snack.
Toys & Sweets
Toys, sweets, chips and cake are NOT permitted.
Please make sure all clothing is clearly marked and no jewellery is allowed.
Message Books
Message books will be used as a form of communication between you and your child’s class teacher. Please ensure this book is signed and returned to school every day.
Art Folders
These are provided by the school and sent home most Fridays with your child’s artwork. Please look at the artwork and talk to your child about the artwork, and return the empty folder to school on the Monday.
“Fun”day Fridays
A treat will be given to your child each Friday after lunch,
School hours
Full day – child will attend from 6:50am to 5:30pm
Half day – child will attend from 6:50am till 2:30pm